Same Day Delivery and Postage. Which One Should I Use?

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Same Day Delivery and Postage. Which One Should I Use?

With eCommerce becoming the main shopping place for people, it is eventual that customers are expecting shorter and shorter delivery lead time. Therefore, we start to see an increasing trend of demand for same day delivery services. Some businesses choose to use postage to mail their products, while some choose courier services. What are the differences? These two are different in their services and operations.

Let’s go way back

Back in the days, people depended on post office for sending and accepting letters and packages. Today, courier companies have changed the idea of sending and accepting documents and parcels.


Regular mail is useful for sending letters, however, with regards to sending parcels, it is a painful process. You need to line up in the mail station for quite a while and follow a tedious process before you can finally send your item. Yet, when sending parcels through a courier, it is very simple and convenient. There is no compelling reason to queue for extended periods and no intricacies included. Make a phone call and the courier will be at the doorstep to collect your packages.

With XDel, you don’t even have to call us! With advanced IT, you can now upload your jobs via API, email or even order a courier service online.

Good service comes with a price

Postal service charges a fixed cost for sending letters and parcels. In contrast, here is no fixed cost when sending documents and parcels through a courier service. Different courier companies have different charges based on service levels. Generally, you can observe that the couriers charge more than the post office.

When it comes to service, you can expect a superior service from the courier companies. This is on account of each of the courier companies endeavor to give the best service to stay competitive. In any case, on account of regular mail postage, there is no competition as it is as much a part of the government.

In Summary:

1. The regular mail is useful for sending letters that are not sensitive, urgent or important. With parcels however, it is a tedious procedure.

2. Couriers charge more than the post office.

If you are looking for a courier company to improve your delivery process, XDel is the preferred courier to serve your needs. Speak to us and find out more!